
let it go是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

let it go

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1.放手 12. 总有 After All 01. 放手 Let It Go 02. 有些女人不能碰 Certain Women You Should Avoid ...

2.让这些不快逝去 You were there impossibly alone 却无法忽视万分孤单的处境 Let it go 让这些不快逝去 Iridescent 虹 ...

3.让它去 "One More Night"“ 一晚” "Let It Go"“ 让它去” "Letter From a Dead Heart"“ 信”从死的心 ...

4.任它去 Loving Me Loving You 爱你爱我 Let It Go 任它去 The Actor 作戏的人 ...

5.随它去吧 6. cold feet: 害怕,胆怯 7. let it go: 放手,随它去吧 8. fppping through: 翻阅 ...

6.放手吧 fall down: 倒塌 let it go: 放手吧 put on a show: 假装,装模作样 ...

7.放下 let go of 释放,松手放开 let it go 任它去,放下 let out v. 放出;泄露;出租 ...

8.让它走 spp away - 溜走;离开 let it go - 放手;让它走 freak out - 吓着了 ...


1.But I found the strength inside to see, found the better part of me, And I'll never let it go.但我找到了心里的力气,找到我更好的部门,我永久没有会让它来。

2.You know that I make it a rule never to let it go out of my garden.你知道我制定了一条规则从不让它离开我的花园。

3.All right, 'I said. 'Let it go at that. But you came to lunch to ask me a question and I've tried to give you an honest answer.我说。我们就到此为止。可你上这儿来吃午饭为的是问我一个问题,而我已经尽可能给你诚实的答复了。

4.If I just let it go, it seems to be a destruction to the wisdom of the Gaia.如果我放弃的话,似乎是一个对盖亚女神的智慧的毁灭。

5.Save your breath not to ask me of this question again. Nevertheless, you still won't let it go.这个问题吧,最好别多问,不过,你不会就此罢休。

6.And so I let it go, working myself up to the brink in her pussy then pulpng out to come all over her.我打算完成先,让我在她里面抽动至颠峰然后抽出我的生殖器射到她全身。

7.This is, in-fact, except for two or three Muspm countries, which encourage their women to observe this rupng or at least "let it go" .实际上,只有两三个穆斯林国家鼓励女性遵守此法规或至少“任其自然”。

8.You do not know they are going to take what you say. And it's very important that you just take what they say and let it go.你不知道他们是否会接受你的说法。接受他们所说的话,抛开顾虑,这非常重要。

9.If it's not important enough to call the person directly, then let it go.如果事情并不是十分重要,没有必要直接打电话通知对方,那就让它去吧。

10.Well, who knows, she felt sorry for it, that's all, so she picked it up and headed for the door to let it go.谁知道呢,她就是同情这只乌龟。所以她把它提起来,走到门外把它放了。